Sep 16Liked by lucy sweet

I got carried away in Lidl last week and bought some Emily in Paris goats’ cheese and honey stuffed pasta. The moment I rang it through at the checkout I regretted it. But actually, it was delicious. I will continue to never watch Emily in Paris though, as it looks dreadful. And I remain baffled that Italian food was part of what seemed to be a Parisian themed week. Weird.

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Ooh la mamma Mia! The range wasn’t that bad and honestly the show IS dreadful but it’s also my favourite thing in the world

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Ah, twitter. What a blast from the past. And typical they harangued you over there, rather than tell you to your face here. Just off to Asda now, lured by the Agnetha-blue wrapper.

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Yep - I’ve shared it on Twitter and I’m sure that will go down very well. Enjoy the butter!!

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I love me some Oreros, but this collab is a no-go. I'm not a fan of Coke to begin with, but Lordty this just seems gross.

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loved this! I am lucky that the two closest friends of mine in the past 6 years are Polish and I've been invited to visit several times and hands down, everything I've tried foodwise is AMAZING. The mustard is also next level

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Ooh I need to try the mustard!

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